Diesel engines are no doubt known for their performance, durability, and endurance. They are made to perform significantly in any road condition and deliver a powerful mobility experience to drivers. This is the primary reason why trucks and heavy vehicles carrying tons of loads are trusted with diesel engines. With such immense performance qualities, diesel trucks always demand detailed attention when it comes to the maintenance of Lubbock diesel repair parts.

Moving powerful valves inside those heavy-cylinder engines must be smooth as silk to offer you optimal performance. At Black Diamond Unlimited, we provide focused attention to your diesel truck maintenance, as we share the same passion for the diesel truck. We have diesel truck and automobile experts working for several years on diesel engines. We can smell engines to know their performance and issues.

From advanced tuning and customization with aftermarket diesel parts in Lubbock to diesel truck maintenance, we offer you a comprehensive service for your diesel truck parts in Lubbock. If you are here to enhance the performance of your diesel truck with maintenance tips, you are in the right place. Here, let us explore a few maintenance tips for your diesel trucks.

Performing a regular oil change

Oil change is one of the most necessary factors determining the health of your diesel engine. The lubricants inside those moving engine parts reduce friction, which offers you better performance. The better the oil, the less wear in the engine you get. With a great engine, your diesel truck can last up to years without any major demand for engine haul. Further, when you don’t change the oil in time, it can accumulate soot, dirt, and other debris that increases the risk of engine wear.

All the major diesel engine manufacturers in the US recommend changing the engine oil every 5000 miles or six months. If you are using your diesel truck for heavy-duty activities such as off-roading, towing, or loading, you need to change the engine oil more frequently. While changing the engine oil, you should also check and use the manufacturer-mentioned engine oil standards. You can get this information in your car user manual. Using synthetic engine oil also offers you better performance. 

Replacement of fuel filters

The diesel engine emits a large proportion of carbon. This carbon emission can contaminate your engine oils. When these carbons condense and get moisture into the oil, it can directly hamper the oil quality. The oil and integrated water will damage several engine parts, like the crank, bearings, camshafts, oil pumps, rod bearings, and many more. So, the regular changing of the fuel filter is a major deciding factor in maintaining the health of your engine. So, the next time you are changing the engine oil, make sure to change the fuel filter too.

The frequency of changing the fuel filter is 10,000 to 15,000 miles. However, you should also refer to your owner’s manual for a detailed specification of the replacement of oil, Cummins parts, Lubbock, and filters.

Use high-quality additives.

Diesel fuel additives can assist in extending the life of the engine by enhancing fuel quality and lowering wear. Additives can increase fuel efficiency, improve performance, and lower pollutants. Some additives are capable of helping reduce corrosion and deposits inside the engine.

Before using a diesel fuel additive, ensure that it is appropriate for your engine and satisfies the manufacturer’s standards. Some additives may include strong chemicals that damage engine components. When employing diesel fuel additives, always follow the recommendations provided by the manufacturer.

Drive the diesel truck regularly.

Diesel engines are manufactured and designed for everyday heavy-duty running. They are produced for off-road activities, towing, and transferring heavy weights from one distance to another. So, using your diesel truck as a gasoline-running smooth car can affect its engine health. Petrol cars can stay idle without running for as long as possible. However, diesel trucks require everyday running. Not even shorter trips will count. This is because the diesel engine must reach a specific engine temperature every day. Thus, keeping them idle for several days will harm the engine and wear the internal parts.

If you want the good health of your diesel truck parts in Lubbock, you must ensure everyday driving that allows your vehicle to reach a particular temperature. It is more crucial if you are staying in an area with heavy snowfall during the winter. Before a long drive, you should also cold-start the engine and keep it on the start for a few minutes.

Keep your engine clean.

Keeping the diesel engine neat is critical for optimal performance and lifetime. Dirt and other impurities can build up on engine components, lowering performance and increasing wear. A clean engine makes it simpler to detect possible issues, such as leaks and loose connections.

Regularly clean your diesel engine’s air filter, engine block, and engine bay. To remove accumulated filth and debris, use a high-powered washer or a steam cleaner. Use a diesel engine-safe cleaning solution and observe all safety recommendations during cleaning.

FAQs on diesel engine maintenance

How do you achieve prolonged diesel engine life?

If you wish to achieve a good engine life for your diesel truck, then you must do the following:

  • Drive the diesel truck every day, allowing it to reach the required temperature.
  • Don’t overheat the engine.
  • Change all lubricants on time.
  • Change fuel filters.
  • Use fresh fuel.

What can I add to improve the performance of the diesel engine?

Increase the shelf life of your fuel by using a multi-functional fuel additive. An additive should contain a stabilizing agent, cetane improver, lubrication improver, detergents, and water dispersants to extend shelf life for prolonged storage.

What will affect the diesel engine faster?

Direct contact with water and condensed moisture through oil can damage the engine faster.


Regular maintenance is critical to the lifespan and efficiency of diesel engines. Follow these five techniques to keep your diesel engine running longer and save money on repairs. Remember to change your oil on a regular basis, inspect and replace gasoline filters, use excellent additives, use your engine frequently, and keep it clean. With regular maintenance and care, your diesel engine may survive for many years while providing dependable performance.

Contact Black Diamond Unlimited today!

Want to customize your diesel truck or get complete care? Call us now at 806-503-2161. You can reach us at our store at 3263 US Highway 62, Ropesville, Texas 79358. If you have any queries, email us at blackdiamondultd@gmail.com.